Saturday 24 December 2022

A strange week

 I've had my cold all week (I've still got it) and on Monday I tested positive for COVID even though it just felt like a cold. Luckily I hadn't gone in the car to pick up DS on Sunday so he has managed to stay negative so far (touch wood).  So I had to isolate in a few rooms (one of them my sewing room of course) until Wednesday when DH also tested positive.  DS has nobly stepped up to the plate and looked after the cooking and shopping.  I'm now testing negative (yesterday and today) so now I get to eat and associate with DS apart from I don't want to give him my cold.  We're hoping DH will test negative soon.  So despite having DS home all week (he's been working from the dining room, just like old times) it hasn't really been a family get together.  One day we even held a Discord call so we could all talk together from our computers  ha ha ha.  One weird side effect is I lost my sense of taste and to a certain extent smell a few days ago.  It might be coming back, I could detect hints of cheese at lunch today when I ate my jacket potato with cheese.  I hope so or Christmas dinner is going to be a bit of a waste of time!

Last Sunday I made a big push and finished the Tannenbaum quilting on the frame.  It's quilted with a simple holly leaf panto.

As soon as the quilt was off, I started taking the frame down.  DH helped bring up the storage boxes from the sewing room, and also helped me lift the poles off and wrap them up and we took them up to the attic.  I spent a few hours taking things apart, then DH helped with the final disassembly of the table and by mid-evening it was all gone!  The dining room seemed so much bigger and we can use the door again.  We put the furniture back into place and I put up some more christmas decorations in that room, and for 12 hours or so it looked really beautiful until it became DS's home office the next morning.  He was in there all week but has now cleared out again and we have the dining room back.

I haven't felt up to doing very much this week as you can imagine.  I've been plodding along on Month 17 of the Australian BOM.  The final instalment number 20 has now shipped and a few people in Australia who got it quickly are already putting their quilt tops together.  I feel like I'm being left behind but DH says it's not a race (except it is. and I'm losing, grrrr).  I also spent some time this week making a tester version of a tote bag but I can't show photos of that as the designer isn't releasing the pattern until the new year. I sewed part of it on my new industrial machine which once again sewed through like butter even a seam junction with 3 layers of vinyl, 2 of Bosal foam, and 2 layers of interfaced quilting cotton.

Christmas Day will be quiet with just the three of us, but if we can all test negative and get healthy then we will go down to see DH's parents at some point before New Year.  

Best wishes of the season to you, and I hope you have a relaxing holiday time.

1 comment:

swooze said...

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. I hope everyone is well enough in time for Christmas dinner.